Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Lady Killer's Past Life Regression (fan video)

特作此短片,纪念「誰かが嘘をついている」里在Lady Killer牛郎店辛勤打工的哥哥XD

So here it is, the extremely-rich-and-good-looking-and-single-and-not-looking lady killer Yuya Tegoshi!

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

He has a talent. Everyone falls for him when he starts to play the violin.

Despite his attractiveness, he's often ruthless with women.

Now let's go down the memory lane with Yuya and explore what in his past life has made him such a ladykiller.

In his past life, he was a lower class swordsman...

He did everything to entertain the ladies.

...and FAILED! (Sorry Ero ouji!)

In the end, he died lonely and broken-hearted by his pet Mighty (as opposed to Tinny LOL)

Killed by ladies, he decided to take revenge by becoming a lady killer in his next life.

The end :)

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